Full list of Imber Bot commands.
๐ต Economy Commands
/balance ยป Shows the balance of a user.
/blackjack ยป Play a game of blackjack.
/coinflip ยป Play a game of coin flip.
/daily ยป Claim your daily reward.
/rob ยป Rob coins from another user.
/roulette ยป Play a game of roulette.
/slots ยป Play a game of slots.
/transfer ยป Transfer coins to another user.
/weekly ยป Claim your weekly reward.
/work ยป Work to earn coins.
๐คฃ Fun Commands
/games wyr ยป Play would you rather.
/games chaoswords ยป Play chaos words.
/games fasttype ยป Play fast type.
/games trivia ยป Play trivia.
/games truth-or-dare ยป Play truth or dare.
/games connect4 ยป Play connect 4.
/games rps ยป Play rock paper scissors.
/games tictactoe ยป Play tic tac toe.
/games snake ยป Play snake.
/games never-have-i-ever ยป Play never have I ever.
/games will-you-press ยป Play will you press the button.
/games guess-the-flag ยป Play guess the flag.
/games guess-the-language ยป Play guess the language.
/games higher-or-lower ยป Play higher or lower.
/text advice ยป Shows random advice.
/text dadjoke ยป Shows a random dad joke.
/text fact ยป Shows a random fact.
/text quote ยป Shows a random quote.
/text pickupline ยป Shows a random pickup line.
/text joke ยป Shows a random joke.
/text showerthoughts ยป Shows a random shower thought.
/text roast ยป Roast someone.
/text reverse ยป Reverses text.
/text ascii ยป Converts text to ASCII.
/text encode ยป Converts text to base64.
/text decode ยป Converts base64 to text.
/tools ppmeter ยป Check someone's PP size.
/tools howgay ยป Check how gay someone is.
/tools iq ยป Check someone's IQ.
/tools 8ball ยป Ask the magic 8 ball a question.
/tools google ยป Creates a let me google that for your link.
/tools pick ยป Pick a random user from the server.
โจ Image Commands
/image affect ยป No it doesn't affect my baby meme.
/image beautiful ยป This is beautiful meme.
/image changemymind ยป Creates a change my mind image.
/image clyde ยป Generates a message from the Clyde bot.
/image delete ยป Generates a delete image.
/image facepalm ยป Generates a facepalm image.
/image hitler ยป Generates a worse than Hitler image.
/image jail ยป Generates a jail image.
/image rainbow ยป Generates an LGBTQ image.
/image pixelate ยป Generates a pixelated image.
/image phub ยป Generates a phub comment.
/image qrcode ยป Generates a QR code image of the provided text.
/image rip ยป Generates a rip image.
/image shit ยป I stepped on shit image.
/image stonks ยป Generates a stonks image.
/image trash ยป Generates a trash image.
/image trigger ยป Generates a triggered image.
/image trumptweet ยป Generates a tweet from Donald Trump.
/image wanted ยป Generates a wanted image.
/image wasted ยป Generates a wasted image.
/image jokeoverhead ยป Generates a jokeoverhead image.
/image ytcomment ยป Generates a YouTube comment.
/image meme ยป Shows a random meme.
/nsfw ยป NSFW commands.
๐ Info Commands
/botinfo ยป Shows bot information.
/changelog ยป Shows the bot's changelog.
/channel info ยป Shows information about a channel.
/help ยป Get help with a command or category.
/history ยป Shows historical information about this day.
/invites ยป Shows someone's invites.
/leaderboard levels ยป Shows the level leaderboard.
/leaderboard messages ยป Shows the message leaderboard.
/leaderboard commands ยป Shows the command leaderboard.
/leaderboard music ยป Shows the music leaderboard.
/leaderboard invites ยป Shows the invite leaderboard.
/leaderboard coins ยป Shows the coin leaderboard.
/leaderboard voice ยป Shows the voice leaderboard.
/level ยป Shows someone's level.
/messages ยป Shows someone's messages.
/ping ยป Shows the bot's ping.
/roleinfo ยป Shows information about a role.
/server info ยป Shows information about the server.
/server chart ยป Shows the server statistics.
/server banner ยป Shows the server banner.
/server icon ยป Shows the server icon.
/urban ยป Search something from the urban dictionary.
/user info ยป Shows information about a server user.
/user whois ยป Shows information about a Discord user.
/user avatar ยป Shows the user avatar.
/user banner ยป Shows the user banner.
/wiki ยป Search anything from Wikipedia.
/changelog ยป Shows the bot's changelog.
/channel info ยป Shows information about a channel.
/help ยป Get help with a command or category.
/history ยป Shows historical information about this day.
/invites ยป Shows someone's invites.
/leaderboard levels ยป Shows the level leaderboard.
/leaderboard messages ยป Shows the message leaderboard.
/leaderboard commands ยป Shows the command leaderboard.
/leaderboard music ยป Shows the music leaderboard.
/leaderboard invites ยป Shows the invite leaderboard.
/leaderboard coins ยป Shows the coin leaderboard.
/level ยป Shows someone's level.
/messages ยป Shows someone's messages.
/ping ยป Shows the bot's ping.
/roleinfo ยป Shows information about a role.
/server info ยป Shows information about the server.
/server banner ยป Shows the server banner.
/server icon ยป Shows the server icon.
/urban ยป Search something from the urban dictionary.
/user info ยป Shows information about a server user.
/user whois ยป Shows information about a Discord user.
/user avatar ยป Shows the user avatar.
/user banner ยป Shows the user banner.
/wiki ยป Search anything from Wikipedia.
๐จ Moderation Commands
/ban id ยป Ban a user by their id.
/ban member ยป Ban a user from the server.
/ban temporary ยป Temporarily ban a user from the server.
/ban list ยป List all banned users.
/blacklist features add ยป Blacklist a user from a bot feature.
/blacklist features remove ยป Remove a user from the bot feature blacklist.
/blacklist features list ยป List all blacklisted users.
/blacklist features info ยป Check if a user is blacklisted.
/blacklist words add ยป Add a word to the blacklist.
/blacklist words remove ยป Remove a word from the blacklist.
/blacklist words list ยป List all blacklisted words.
/clear default ยป Clear a specified amount of messages.
/clear humans ยป Clear messages sent by humans.
/clear bots ยป Clear messages sent by bots.
/clear attachments ยป Clear messages containing attachments.
/clear links ยป Clear messages containing links.
/clear invites ยป Clear messages containing invites.
/clear user ยป Clear messages from a specific user.
/clear pattern ยป Clear messages matching a specific pattern.
/kick ยป Kick a user from the server.
/lockdown channel ยป Lockdown a channel from users.
/lockdown category ยป Lockdown a category from users.
/mute ยป Mute a user in the server.
/nuke ยป Nukes a channel
/role add ยป Add a role to a user.
/role remove ยป Remove a role from a user.
/role all ยป Add a role to all users.
/sanitize ยป Sanitizes user's nickname on the server.
/unban all ยป Unban all users from the server.
/unban user ยป Unban a user from the server.
/unmute ยป Unmute a user in the server.
/warnings add ยป Add a warning to a user.
/warnings remove ยป Remove a warning from a user.
/warnings clear ยป Clear all warnings from a user.
/warnings history ยป View the warning history of a user.
๐ต Music Commands
/clear-queue ยป Clear the music queue.
/disconnect ยป Stop the music and disconnect the bot.
/filter enable ยป Enable a filter.
/filter disable ยป Disable a filter.
/filter list ยป List all enabled filters.
/loop off ยป Turn off the music loop mode.
/loop track ยป Set the music loop mode to track.
/loop queue ยป Set the music loop mode to queue.
/loop autoplay ยป Set the music loop mode to autoplay.
/lyrics ยป Searches for song lyrics.
/nowplaying ยป Shows the currently playing song.
/pause ยป Pause the music.
/play ยป Play a song or playlist.
/queue ยป Shows the music queue.
/remove ยป Remove a song from the queue.
/resume ยป Resume the music.
/seek ยป Seek to a specific time in the current track.
/shuffle ยป Shuffle the queue.
/skip ยป Skip the current song.
/volume ยป Adjust the volume of the music
๐ Settings Commands
/bot leaveserver ยป Leave the bot from a server.
/bot serverlist ยป List all servers the bot is in.
/bot invite ยป Generate an invite link for the bot.
/bot subscription ยป Show the bot subscription information.
/bot restart ยป Restart the bot.
/bot hard-reset ยป Reset all bot settings for the server.
/bot status ยป Set the bot status.
/bot avatar ยป Set the bot's avatar.
/bot banner ยป Set the bot's banner.
/bot username ยป Set the bot's username.
/bot description ยป Set the about me bot's description.
/bot commands enable ยป Enable a disabled command.
/bot commands disable ยป Disable a command.
/bot commands list ยป List all disabled commands.
/config ยป Shows the server config.
/configure embed ยป Configure the server embed settings.
/configure channels ยป Configure the server channel settings.
/configure features ยป Toggle bot features on or off.
/configure addons ยป Toggle bot addons on or off.
/configure roles ยป Configure the server role settings.
/configure protections ยป Toggle bot protections on or off.
/configure counters ยป Configure the server counter settings.
/configure woocommerce ยป Configure the WooCommerce addon.
/configure license-manager ยป Configure the License Manager addon.
/configure digital-license-manager ยป Configure the Digital License Manager addon.
/configure sellix ยป Configure the Sellix addon.
/configure agelimit ยป Configure the age limit for the server.
/configure stats ยป Configure user stats.
๐ซ Tickets Commands
/tpanel create ยป Creates a new ticket panel.
/tpanel delete ยป Deletes a ticket panel.
/tpanel edit ยป Edit a ticket panel.
/tpanel category add ยป Add a ticket category.
/tpanel category remove ยป Remove a ticket category.
/tpanel category edit ยป Edit a ticket category.
/tpanel category questions ยป Manage ticket category questions.
/tpanel role add ยป Add a role to a ticket category.
/tpanel role remove ยป Remove a role from a ticket category.
/ticket close ยป Close the ticket.
/ticket delete ยป Delete the ticket.
/ticket open ยป Open a ticket for a user.
/ticket add user ยป Add a user to the ticket.
/ticket add role ยป Add a role to the ticket.
/ticket remove user ยป Remove a user from the ticket.
/ticket remove role ยป Remove a role from the ticket.
/ticket claim ยป Claim the ticket.
/ticket unclaim ยป Unclaim the ticket.
/ticket pin ยป Pin the ticket to the top of the category.
/ticket unpin ยป Unpin the ticket from the top of the category.
/ticket rename ยป Rename the ticket.
/ticket stats ยป View the stats of a ticket supporter.
/ticket leaderboard ยป View the ticket supporter leaderboard.
/ticket move ยป Move the ticket to a different category.
/ticket delete-all ยป Delete all tickets in a category.
/ticket alert ยป Alert the ticket user of inactivity.
/ticket find ยป Find a tickets by user.
๐ง Tools Commands
/afk ยป Mark yourself as AFK.
/convert currency ยป Convert currency.
/crypto ยป Shows the cryptocurrency price.
/emojify ยป Converts text to emojis.
/feedback ยป Send feedback to the bot developers.
/ip info ยป Shows IP information.
/reminder create ยป Create a reminder.
/reminder delete ยป Delete a reminder.
/reminder list ยป List all of your reminders.
/screenshot ยป Takes a screenshot of a website.
/snipe ยป Snipe the last deleted message.
/translate ยป Translate text to the chosen language.
/weather ยป Shows the weather of the location.
๐ฆ Utility Commands
/autoresponse add ยป Add an autoresponse.
/autoresponse remove ยป Remove an autoresponse.
/autoresponse list ยป List all autoresponses.
/backup server create ยป Create a backup of the server.
/backup server delete ยป Delete a backup from the bot.
/backup server list ยป List all backups saved on the bot.
/backup server load ยป Load a server backup to the server.
/backup server info ยป Get information about a backup.
/backup server download ยป Download your server backups
/backup member list ยป Show a list of all saved members.
/backup member restore ยป Restore all saved members to the server.
/backup member remove ยป Remove a member from the backup list.
/backup member download ยป Download your member backups.
/buttonrole add ยป Add a button role.
/buttonrole remove ยป Remove a button role.
/customcommand add ยป Add a custom command
/customcommand remove ยป Remove a custom command
/customcommand edit ยป Edit a custom command
/giveaway start ยป Starts a new giveaway.
/giveaway end ยป Ends a giveaway.
/giveaway edit ยป Edits a giveaway.
/giveaway reroll ยป Rerolls a giveaway.
/giveaway pause ยป Pauses a giveaway.
/giveaway resume ยป Resumes a giveaway.
/giveaway list ยป Lists all giveaways.
/guessthenumber ยป Start a game of guess the number.
/say text ยป Send a message using the bot.
/say edit ยป Edit an embed sent by the bot.
/say embedbuilder ยป Send an embed using the bot.
/say reply ยป Reply to a message using the bot.
/say impersonate ยป Impersonate a user.
/selectrole create ยป Create a select role panel.
/selectrole add ยป Add a role to a select role panel.
/selectrole remove ยป Remove a role from a select role panel.
/steal emoji ยป Steal an emoji from another server.
/steal sticker ยป Steal a sticker from another server.
/stickymessages add ยป Add an sticky message.
/stickymessages remove ยป Remove an sticky message.
/stickymessages list ยป List all sticky messages.
/verification normal ยป Add a math verification system.
/verification captcha ยป Add a captcha verification system.
/verification oauth2 ยป Add an OAuth2 verification system.
๐ WooCommerce Commands
/analytics ยป Shows analytics for your store.
/coupon info ยป Show coupon information.
/coupon list ยป List all coupons.
/coupon create ยป Creates a coupon.
/coupon delete ยป Delete a coupon.
/coupon edit ยป Edit a coupon.
/customer info ยป Show customer information.
/customer list ยป List all customers.
/customer create ยป Create a customer.
/customer edit ยป Edit a customer.
/customer delete ยป Delete a customer.
/order info ยป Show order information.
/order find ยป Find orders by email, name, etc.
/order list ยป List orders.
/order create ยป Create an order.
/order edit ยป Edit an order.
/order delete ยป Delete an order.
/paymentmethods ยป Shows store payment methods.
/product info ยป Get information about a product.
/product list ยป List all products.
/product delete ยป Delete a product.
/review info ยป Get information about a review.
/review list ยป List reviews.
/review create ยป Create a review.
/review edit ยป Edit a review.
/review delete ยป Delete a review.
/stock all ยป Shows stock for all products in your store.
/stock product ยป Shows stock for a specific product.
/verifypanel ยป Add a customer verification panel.
/woologs order ยป Add an order log channel.
/woologs restock ยป Add a restock log channel.
/woologs lowstock ยป Add a low stock log channel.
/subscription info ยป Shows subscription information.
/subscription list ยป Lists all subscriptions.
/subscription delete ยป Deletes a subscription.
/subscription create ยป Creates a subscription.
/subscription edit ยป Edits a subscription.
๐ Digital License Manager Commands
/addkey ยป Adds a license key to a product.
/deletekey ยป Delete a license key.
/key ยป Shows license key information..
/takekey ยป Take a license key from a product.
๐ License Manager Commands
/addkey ยป Adds a license key to a product.
/deletekey ยป Delete a license key.
/key ยป Shows license key information..
/takekey ยป Take a license key from a product.
๐ธ Sellix Commands
/coupon create ยป Creates a coupon.
/coupon delete ยป Delete a coupon.
/coupon edit ยป Edit a coupon.
/coupon list ยป List all coupons.
/coupon info ยป Show coupon information.
/feedback info ยป Get information about a feedback.
/feedback list ยป List all feedbacks.
/logs order ยป Add an order log channel.
/logs restock ยป Add a restock log channel.
/logs lowstock ยป Add a low stock log channel.
/order info ยป Get information about a order.
/order list ยป List all orders.
/order create ยป Create a new order for a serial product.
/product info ยป Get information about a product.
/product list ยป List all products.
/product delete ยป Delete a product.
/subscription info ยป Get information about a subscription.
/subscription list ยป List all subscriptions.
/verifypanel ยป Add a customer verification panel.
Last updated