
Full list of Imber Bot commands.

Economy Commands

  • /balance » Shows the balance of a user.

  • /blackjack » Play a game of blackjack.

  • /coinflip » Play a game of coin flip.

  • /daily » Claim your daily reward.

  • /rob » Rob coins from another user.

  • /roulette » Play a game of roulette.

  • /slots » Play a game of slots.

  • /transfer » Transfer coins to another user.

  • /weekly » Claim your weekly reward.

  • /work » Work to earn coins.

Fun Commands

  • /games wyr » Play would you rather.

  • /games chaoswords » Play chaos words.

  • /games fasttype » Play fast type.

  • /games trivia » Play trivia.

  • /games truth-or-dare » Play truth or dare.

  • /games connect4 » Play connect 4.

  • /games rps » Play rock paper scissors.

  • /games tictactoe » Play tic tac toe.

  • /games snake » Play snake.

  • /games never-have-i-ever » Play never have I ever.

  • /games will-you-press » Play will you press the button.

  • /games guess-the-flag » Play guess the flag.

  • /games higher-or-lower » Play higher or lower.

  • /text advice » Shows random advice.

  • /text dadjoke » Shows a random dad joke.

  • /text fact » Shows a random fact.

  • /text quote » Shows a random quote.

  • /text pickupline » Shows a random pickup line.

  • /text joke » Shows a random joke.

  • /text showerthoughts » Shows a random shower thought.

  • /text roast » Roast someone.

  • /text reverse » Reverses text.

  • /text ascii » Converts text to ASCII.

  • /text encode » Converts text to base64.

  • /text decode » Converts base64 to text.

  • /tools ppmeter » Check someone's PP size.

  • /tools howgay » Check how gay someone is.

  • /tools iq » Check someone's IQ.

  • /tools 8ball » Ask the magic 8 ball a question.

  • /tools google » Creates a let me google that for your link.

  • /tools pick » Pick a random user from the server.

Image Commands

  • /image affect » No it doesn't affect my baby meme.

  • /image beautiful » This is beautiful meme.

  • /image changemymind » Creates a change my mind image.

  • /image clyde » Generates a message from the Clyde bot.

  • /image delete » Generates a delete image.

  • /image facepalm » Generates a facepalm image.

  • /image hitler » Generates a worse than Hitler image.

  • /image jail » Generates a jail image.

  • /image rainbow » Generates an LGBTQ image.

  • /image pixelate » Generates a pixelated image.

  • /image phub » Generates a phub comment.

  • /image qrcode » Generates a QR code image of the provided text.

  • /image rip » Generates a rip image.

  • /image shit » I stepped on shit image.

  • /image stonks » Generates a stonks image.

  • /image trash » Generates a trash image.

  • /image trigger » Generates a triggered image.

  • /image trumptweet » Generates a tweet from Donald Trump.

  • /image wanted » Generates a wanted image.

  • /image wasted » Generates a wasted image.

  • /image jokeoverhead » Generates a jokeoverhead image.

  • /image ytcomment » Generates a YouTube comment.

  • /image meme » Shows a random meme.

  • /nsfw » NSFW commands.

Info Commands

  • /botinfo » Shows bot information.

  • /changelog » Shows the bot's changelog.

  • /channel info » Shows information about a channel.

  • /help » Get help with a command or category.

  • /history » Shows historical information about this day.

  • /invites » Shows someone's invites.

  • /leaderboard levels » Shows the level leaderboard.

  • /leaderboard messages » Shows the message leaderboard.

  • /leaderboard commands » Shows the command leaderboard.

  • /leaderboard music » Shows the music leaderboard.

  • /leaderboard invites » Shows the invite leaderboard.

  • /leaderboard coins » Shows the coin leaderboard.

  • /level » Shows someone's level.

  • /messages » Shows someone's messages.

  • /ping » Shows the bot's ping.

  • /roleinfo » Shows information about a role.

  • /server info » Shows information about the server.

  • /server banner » Shows the server banner.

  • /server icon » Shows the server icon.

  • /urban » Search something from the urban dictionary.

  • /user info » Shows information about a server user.

  • /user whois » Shows information about a Discord user.

  • /user avatar » Shows the user avatar.

  • /user banner » Shows the user banner.

  • /wiki » Search anything from Wikipedia.

Moderation Commands

  • /ban id » Ban a user by their id.

  • /ban member » Ban a user from the server.

  • /ban temporary » Temporarily ban a user from the server.

  • /ban list » List all banned users.

  • /blacklist features add » Blacklist a user from a bot feature.

  • /blacklist features remove » Remove a user from the bot feature blacklist.

  • /blacklist features list » List all blacklisted users.

  • /blacklist features info » Check if a user is blacklisted.

  • /blacklist words add » Add a word to the blacklist.

  • /blacklist words remove » Remove a word from the blacklist.

  • /blacklist words list » List all blacklisted words.

  • /clear default » Clear a specified amount of messages.

  • /clear humans » Clear messages sent by humans.

  • /clear bots » Clear messages sent by bots.

  • /clear attachments » Clear messages containing attachments.

  • /clear links » Clear messages containing links.

  • /clear invites » Clear messages containing invites.

  • /clear user » Clear messages from a specific user.

  • /clear pattern » Clear messages matching a specific pattern.

  • /kick » Kick a user from the server.

  • /lockdown channel » Lockdown a channel from users.

  • /lockdown category » Lockdown a category from users.

  • /mute » Mute a user in the server.

  • /nuke » Nukes a channel

  • /role add » Add a role to a user.

  • /role remove » Remove a role from a user.

  • /role all » Add a role to all users.

  • /sanitize » Sanitizes user's nickname on the server.

  • /unban all » Unban all users from the server.

  • /unban user » Unban a user from the server.

  • /unmute » Unmute a user in the server.

  • /warnings add » Add a warning to a user.

  • /warnings remove » Remove a warning from a user.

  • /warnings clear » Clear all warnings from a user.

  • /warnings history » View the warning history of a user.

Music Commands

  • /clear-queue » Clear the music queue.

  • /disconnect » Stop the music and disconnect the bot.

  • /filter enable » Enable a filter.

  • /filter disable » Disable a filter.

  • /filter list » List all enabled filters.

  • /loop off » Turn off the music loop mode.

  • /loop track » Set the music loop mode to track.

  • /loop queue » Set the music loop mode to queue.

  • /loop autoplay » Set the music loop mode to autoplay.

  • /lyrics » Searches for song lyrics.

  • /nowplaying » Shows the currently playing song.

  • /pause » Pause the music.

  • /play » Play a song or playlist.

  • /queue » Shows the music queue.

  • /remove » Remove a song from the queue.

  • /resume » Resume the music.

  • /seek » Seek to a specific time in the current track.

  • /shuffle » Shuffle the queue.

  • /skip » Skip the current song.

  • /volume » Adjust the volume of the music

Settings Commands

  • /bot leaveserver » Leave the bot from a server.

  • /bot serverlist » List all servers the bot is in.

  • /bot invite » Generate an invite link for the bot.

  • /bot subscription » Show the bot subscription information.

  • /bot restart » Restart the bot.

  • /bot hard-reset » Reset all bot settings for the server.

  • /bot status » Set the bot status.

  • /bot avatar » Set the bot's avatar.

  • /bot banner » Set the bot's banner.

  • /bot username » Set the bot's username.

  • /bot description » Set the about me bot's description.

  • /bot commands enable » Enable a disabled command.

  • /bot commands disable » Disable a command.

  • /bot commands list » List all disabled commands.

  • /config » Shows the server config.

  • /configure embed » Configure the server embed settings.

  • /configure channels » Configure the server channel settings.

  • /configure features » Toggle bot features on or off.

  • /configure addons » Toggle bot addons on or off.

  • /configure roles » Configure the server role settings.

  • /configure protections » Toggle bot protections on or off.

  • /configure counters » Configure the server counter settings.

  • /configure woocommerce » Configure the WooCommerce addon.

  • /configure license-manager » Configure the License Manager addon.

  • /configure digital-license-manager » Configure the Digital License Manager addon.

  • /configure sellix » Configure the Sellix addon.

  • /configure agelimit » Configure the age limit for the server.

  • /configure stats » Configure user stats.

Tickets Commands

  • /tpanel setup » Setup the ticket system.

  • /tpanel category add » Add a ticket category.

  • /tpanel category remove » Remove a ticket category.

  • /tpanel category edit » Edit a ticket category.

  • /tpanel role add » Add a role to a ticket category.

  • /tpanel role remove » Remove a role from a ticket category.

  • /tpanel edit » Edit the ticket panel embed.

  • /tpanel send » Sends a new ticket panel embed.

  • /tpanel reset » Reset the ticket system. (This will delete all ticket categories and the ticket panel embed.)

  • /ticket close » Close the ticket.

  • /ticket delete » Delete the ticket.

  • /ticket open » Open a ticket for a user.

  • /ticket add user » Add a user to the ticket.

  • /ticket add role » Add a role to the ticket.

  • /ticket remove user » Remove a user from the ticket.

  • /ticket remove role » Remove a role from the ticket.

  • /ticket claim » Claim the ticket.

  • /ticket unclaim » Unclaim the ticket.

  • /ticket pin » Pin the ticket to the top of the category.

  • /ticket unpin » Unpin the ticket from the top of the category.

  • /ticket rename » Rename the ticket.

  • /ticket stats » View the stats of a ticket supporter.

  • /ticket leaderboard » View the ticket supporter leaderboard.

  • /ticket move » Move the ticket to a different category.

  • /ticket delete-all » Delete all tickets in a category.

  • /ticket alert » Alert the ticket user of inactivity.

  • /ticket find » Find a tickets by user.

Tools Commands

  • /afk » Mark yourself as AFK.

  • /convert currency » Convert currency.

  • /crypto » Shows the cryptocurrency price.

  • /emojify » Converts text to emojis.

  • /feedback » Send feedback to the bot developers.

  • /ip info » Shows IP information.

  • /reminder create » Create a reminder.

  • /reminder delete » Delete a reminder.

  • /reminder list » List all of your reminders.

  • /screenshot » Takes a screenshot of a website.

  • /snipe » Snipe the last deleted message.

  • /translate » Translate text to the chosen language.

  • /weather » Shows the weather of the location.

Utility Commands

  • /autoresponse add » Add an autoresponse.

  • /autoresponse remove » Remove an autoresponse.

  • /autoresponse list » List all autoresponses.

  • /backup server create » Create a backup of the server.

  • /backup server delete » Delete a backup from the bot.

  • /backup server list » List all backups saved on the bot.

  • /backup server load » Load a server backup to the server.

  • /backup server info » Get information about a backup.

  • /backup member list » Show a list of all saved members.

  • /backup member restore » Restore all saved members to the server.

  • /backup member remove » Remove a member from the backup list.

  • /buttonrole add » Add a button role.

  • /buttonrole remove » Remove a button role.

  • /customcommand add » Add a custom command

  • /customcommand remove » Remove a custom command

  • /customcommand edit » Edit a custom command

  • /giveaway start » Starts a new giveaway.

  • /giveaway end » Ends a giveaway.

  • /giveaway edit » Edits a giveaway.

  • /giveaway reroll » Rerolls a giveaway.

  • /giveaway list » Lists all giveaways.

  • /guessthenumber » Start a game of guess the number.

  • /say text » Send a message using the bot.

  • /say edit » Edit an embed sent by the bot.

  • /say embedbuilder » Send an embed using the bot.

  • /say reply » Reply to a message using the bot.

  • /say impersonate » Impersonate a user.

  • /selectrole create » Create a select role panel.

  • /selectrole add » Add a role to a select role panel.

  • /selectrole remove » Remove a role from a select role panel.

  • /steal emoji » Steal an emoji from another server.

  • /steal sticker » Steal a sticker from another server.

  • /stickymessages add » Add an sticky message.

  • /stickymessages remove » Remove an sticky message.

  • /stickymessages list » List all sticky messages.

  • /verification normal » Add a math verification system.

  • /verification captcha » Add a captcha verification system.

  • /verification oauth2 » Add an OAuth2 verification system.

WooCommerce Commands

  • /analytics » Shows analytics for your store.

  • /coupon info » Show coupon information.

  • /coupon list » List all coupons.

  • /coupon create » Creates a coupon.

  • /coupon delete » Delete a coupon.

  • /coupon edit » Edit a coupon.

  • /customer info » Show customer information.

  • /customer list » List all customers.

  • /customer create » Create a customer.

  • /customer edit » Edit a customer.

  • /customer delete » Delete a customer.

  • /order info » Show order information.

  • /order find » Find orders by email, name, etc.

  • /order list » List orders.

  • /order create » Create an order.

  • /order edit » Edit an order.

  • /order delete » Delete an order.

  • /paymentmethods » Shows store payment methods.

  • /product info » Get information about a product.

  • /product list » List all products.

  • /product delete » Delete a product.

  • /review info » Get information about a review.

  • /review list » List reviews.

  • /review create » Create a review.

  • /review edit » Edit a review.

  • /review delete » Delete a review.

  • /stock all » Shows stock for all products in your store.

  • /stock product » Shows stock for a specific product.

  • /verifypanel » Add a customer verification panel.

  • /woologs order » Add an order log channel.

  • /woologs restock » Add a restock log channel.

  • /woologs delete » Delete a log channel webhook.

Have a suggestion or feature request? We'd love to hear from you! If there's something missing or an idea you'd like to share, head over to our suggestions section in our Discord and let us know. Your feedback helps us improve and tailor Imber Bot to meet your needs better.

Last updated